Entries by grundin

OPEN LION’S GATE ENERGY UPDATE with Tim Whild & Mia Kafkios

We are wishing you a magical period before the Lions Gate opening. Prepare yourself for one of the biggest events so far. The period from now all the way to the Lion’s Gate in August is very beneficial for manifesting your heart’s longing and to plug into your purpose. Join us for our coming event […]

Bemästra din energi och spirituella resa | Swedish course with Holy Crap

Bemästra din energi och spirituella resa I vår spirituella resa behöver vi verktyg som kan förankra oss när det är turbulent, hjälpa oss rensa när vi behöver läka samt aktivera det som ska aktiveras när vi är redo för själslig uppgradering. Ju mer vi fortsätter resan in i den nya 5D välden, desto mer behöver vi bemästra […]

Private session update

I always follow guidance from my guides and my family of light. They have been giving me this message for a couple of months, and now I am following thru and ending my private sessions. I am deeply guided to create mini-courses and powerful webinars and activations to assist you in your self-empowered ascension journey. […]