Are you ready to leave your comfort zone?

Wow. It is really times of change. Can you feel it? It is like my whole soul is thriving out of my old shell, ready for the new. I hear the calling of my soul. I really do. Although the challenging part is that I can’t see or feel the details of the new.

That forces me out of my comfort zone. To my most challenging part of life. Leaving my comfort zone and go into the unknown. For me, that means on a deeper level, that is a calling for releasing all the control. All limiting beliefs. Because it is only then that the new and the highest can take place.

Personally, I am very challenged in my outer world right now. In all areas of my life. I can see how the universe and my higher self is pushing me to my next level of consciousness and way of living. And although this is all about what I am teaching and preaching, I am still terrified. Terrified about the unknown and the new. Although it is exciting and I do have trust. And that is okay. I am ready to move from my comfort zone. I have been prepared for this. And I know you have too.

So this weekend I recommend you to go inward, and fly to a higher perspective and see what your higher self and the universe is trying to tell you. What and where are you called to move? What is done? What is old? The new is calling. Can you hear that?

My beloved tribe, all over the world, we are in this together. Together we are growing. Shifting the frequencies of the world and making this planet, a better place to live and love in.

Thank you for being here with me energetically and reading this.
I love you, and I adore you.

Much love,
Maria Mia Åström