Strength & Courage Activation

Live Webinar & Activation with Mia Kafkios

As we have come to a very important period on our ascension journey, my guides and family of light came through and pinpointed the importance to move into higher frequencies and higher consciousness levels and access all the strength and courage that is ready to be activated in our light body.

We have been traveling through many lifetimes to come to this here and now and experience a full ascension cycle. We have a huge number of cellular memories, DNA intelligence and spiritual wisdom that is ready to be activated into the energies that will give us strength and courage on a physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level in this incarnation.

When my guides and family of light first presented this work, I felt that it is almost too big and intense activation, but then I started to see the codes and the importance of it, and it became a full “YES” to do this important energy work with all of you in co-creation.

In this powerful activation we will:

  • Work thru the primary 7 chakras for a full 12-D upgrade
  • Clear any remaining fragments in our light body of “fear of success”
  • Open our 4 energy bodies for stronger connection with our galactic and cosmic connections
  • Merge the past and the future wisdom into our here and now timeline

It doesn’t matter if you are experienced in this kind of energy work, or if you are new to it, your family of light and guides will assist you into what is the highest of the highest for you and your soul path in you’re here and now. Once you booked your spot, you will always receive the replay the day after the live event. And the replay is as powerful as the live, so it doesn’t matter if you miss the live event. Having the replay also means that you can redo the activation as often as you feel guided to.

I hope to have your presence on this important and life changing energy work beloved soul tribe. It is always such an incredible experience when we come together and co-create in the highest commitment and willingness in unity.

As always, if you book your spot, you will receive the recording the day after, so you can do the replay as often as you like and if you miss the live one.

Much love and so many blessings, beloved soul tribe.

With love and gratitude,

About Your Teacher

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer, and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.

Date & Time

Tuesday, January 31, 2023.
London – 19.00 GMT
Stockholm, Paris, Berlin – 20.00 CET

Where: Online with Zoom
Duration: 60-75 minutes

Not sure about your local time? Click here.

Ticket Price


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Webinar Replay

As with all Zoom workshops, this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it!