clearing the energies of 2021 live webinar by mia kafkios and tim whild

Clearing the Energies of 2021

LIVE online webinar with Mia Kafkios & Tim Whild

2021 has been our most intensive year yet. Our entire world is undergoing a spiritual and physical transformation that is nowhere near complete. Driving the process from the ground upwards is US…We are Masters in physical form returning to Earth from all corners of the Universe with concise instructions to step into our roles. We are being asked to do our jobs to the highest of our abilities.
As well as the planet we have the task of mastering our physical forms and this is one of our biggest challenges. We look after everyone else but who takes care of us?

This workshop is dedicated to us Lightworkers who are working so hard on the ascension process. Together we will clear, balance, and align ourselves after a challenging year in preparation for the Winter Solstice which is one of the pivotal dates on the spiritual calendar.

Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild will work in harmony with the Higher Galactics, the Intergalactic Council, the Archangels, and the Ascended Masters on the Board of Karma to bring you a fresh page to work with for 2022.

During this workshop you will:

  • Receive an up-to-date ascension report from Mia and Tim
  • Connect to the higher Teams of Light who will be assisting us tonight
  • Receive a deep clearing of your light body and multidimensional energy field
  • Travel to the Temple of the Sea in Golden Atlantis to release everything that has come up during the recent surge of energies
  • Service work! We will call in a global downpouring of the Golden-Rainbow Fire to clear the pathway for the Solstice
  • Learn tips and techniques for keeping your energy clear under pressure

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Mia Kafkios

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer, and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.

Tim Whild

Tim Whild is an ascension and Lightbody expert, who has been working closely with the evolvement of Earth for most of his life.