Book a private session

With Mia Kafkios – Spiritual teacher, coach, channeler, and healer.

Beloved soul tribe!

Right now I don’t offer private sessions. I always follow guidance from my guides and my family of light.

They have been giving me this message for a couple of months, and now I am following thru and ending my private sessions.

I am deeply guided to create mini-courses and powerful webinars and activations to assist you in your self-empowered ascension journey. My guides want me to spend all of my time giving out all the teachings I have inside of me to assist you in the most powerful way.

My healing and activation webinars are getting more and more powerful and can be used over and over again. If you are looking for a private session, I recommend you try out the webinar replays that resonate with you and check out my coming ones.

I also offer some mini-courses, and one of the biggest parts of my work is the 6-month journey and education ” Therapist of the New World” that starts 2 times a year.

If anything changes and I get guidance to start my private sessions, I will let you know through my newsletter.

I wish you a blessed and empowered ascension journey.

Much love, Mia

Coaching & Mentorship

For therapist, coaches, leaders and lightworkers

As a mentor, I can help you go past your limiting beliefs about your business. Helping you see the blind spots, the fears, and what blocks you from feeling completely worthy of succeeding.

You will be given tools and knowledge to deepen your work as a coach, therapist, leader, or lightworker. A life of abundance where you dare to step into your light, showing up in your highest potential is waiting. Are you ready?

Before the session, you will receive a recorded meditation to listen to 15 min before the session, to get the best outcome of your session. After the session, you will receive the recording of your session so you fully can relax and receive the experience and afterward go back and listen to it again. A couple of days after your session you will also receive a video to assist you in your integration process.

Channeling & Energy Therapy

A unique and powerful session with Mia Kafkios. 

This is a very sacred and powerful session where I connect to your higher self, your guides, and to the Divine Source, channeling that energy for your highest good and highest outcome.

In this session, I will assist in releasing blockages and negative energy from your chakras and your multidimensional fields. Activations and upgrades that are for you to receive will come thru. Information about past lifetimes, traumas, your guides, gifts, cosmic connections usually also comes thru. Your higher self will also assist you in clear guidance in regard to your next steps in your path and life mission.

Before the private session, you will receive a recorded meditation to listen to 15 min before the session, to get the best outcome of your session. After the session, you will receive the recording of your session so you fully can relax and receive the experience and afterward go back and listen to it again. A couple of days after your session you will also receive a video to assist you in your integration process.


“Truly amazing. All done with so much love and compassion, she is a divine light worker and mentor.”

“I would highly recommend Mia. She is the most kind and humble soul, with so much knowledge and experience.

In my session, I received a massive amount of clear channeled information, cleared blockages, and releasing. Assisting me to reach the highest I can be. Truly amazing. All done with so much love and compassion, she is a divine light worker and mentor.”

Pamela Spencer

“I felt a completely new level of focus and stability after the session…”

“OMG so strong… And the activations and upgrades that came thru after that was beyond. I felt a completely new level of focus and stability after the session… But the clearing will be felt for a while until it’s fully integrated.”

Anita Carlsson

“You are a healer’s healer, a priestess, coach, teacher and truly beautiful soul.”

“My oh my, Mia! You and your team brought through so much long awaited healing and clearing in the core of me. I am in awe of what you carry.

You are a healer’s healer, a priestess, coach, teacher, and truly beautiful soul. You were willing and able to take me to parts of myself that no other healer has been able to perceive and to completely clear it.”

Susan Harvie Smith