Balancing the 3D and the 5D World

Оnline Workshop & Activation with Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild.

This online workshop is dedicated to the growing number of Lightworkers/Earthworkers/Warriors who are navigating the ascension process by traversing multiple realities at once.

Every single day we move forwards and we raise our vibration in harmony with the increasing planetary dynamics. The bar is set very high for those that have chosen the spiritual pathway as we are engaged in a dimensional shift that requires us to be in ‘multiple places at once’. Many of us are finding this very challenging.

3D and 5D are simply words to describe two very different states of consciousness/vibration that are currently intertwined with other. They are in the process of separating as we head closer to 2030 but for the time being, we have to share these realities as the spiritual law of Free Will allows all souls to flower at the rate of their choosing.

Mia Kafkios and Tim Whild will thoroughly look at this unique set-up that we are experiencing, the different scenarios that can be presented and the best way to maintain our vibration and excel during this challenging transition.

During this workshop you will:

-Receive an activation and rebalancing of your chakras so you easier can find the alignment in your human experience as a spiritual being.

-Learn about the shift from 3D to 5D, why this is happening and how long it will take

What are the potential scenarios that we can find ourselves in and why?

-How can you stay in the highest vibration at all times when everything around you is falling apart? Here is how!

-Discover your role on the ascension pathway and learn about the different types of soul groups that are currently on Earth

-Where are we going? At the other end of this transition our world will look like a very different place…learn about what what we are heading towards and what the future potentially holds.

As with all Zoom workshops this event will be LIVE, and the recording sent out to all participants the following day. The recorded version is just as powerful as the live event so don’t worry if you miss it.

Much love,

Mia & Tim

Price: 16.80 €
A recording will be provided 1-2 days after the event.

Pay with Credit Card

Date & Time

July 7, Wednesday

Stockholm, Paris, Berlin – 21.00 CET ( 09.oo PM)
London – 20.00 GMT (o8.00 PM)
New York – 03.00 PM EDT

Where: Online with Zoom

About your teachers

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.

Tim Whild is an ascension and Lightbody expert, who has been working closely with the evolvement of Earth for most of his life. His current work with ancient Atlantean technologies is already helping those on a spiritual path around the world. More about Tim here.

Pay with PayPal on Facebook

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Mia Kafkios

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience.

Tim Whild

Tim Whild is an ascension and Lightbody expert, who has been working closely with the evolvement of Earth for most of his life.