
Negative Energy Removal & Clearing

Mini Course & Workshop Activation with Mia Kafkios

My family of Light and I are so happy to present this incredible bundle that is so needed right now on this planet.

To know on a deep level how to clear your energy field from psychic attacks, negative cords, black magic, dark energies of different levels, old contracts, and more is one of the most important aspects of the ascension.

As we raise our frequencies, open our energy bodies, and raise our consciousness, we will need to manage our energy field on a much more advanced level so we don’t get blocked from seeing and choosing our highest timeline.

Feeling sharp, alert, focused, and aligned with our souls’ mission. Enjoying life and feeling that we have the self-mastery to clear anything that tries to block our gifts, pure energy, and highest connection with our higher self.

Being able to clear your field from any negative energy is such a gift. You can be your own healer and take full ownership over your life, incarnation, and life path.

Two years ago, I created the mini-course “Clear your negative energy.” and I am constantly adding new material to it as we are ascending on this planet.

As soon you register for the Worksop Activation, you will receive the “Negative Energy Clearing” course so you can start using all tools.

The Negative Energy Clearing contains:

  • Daily routine – Grounding Practice
  • Workshop – How to Clear Negative Energy
  • Negative Energy Cleansing Meditation
  • Guided breath work – Quick release of sudden anxiety
  • Movement meditation for physical release
  • Writing tools to go deeper and release
  • Cleansing and healing your chakras
  • Shielding techniques
  • Prayers and protection

In this workshop, we will do powerful work together to go deeper into the clearing and remove all negative energies on all levels and through all parallel existences.

There will also be time for questions, and most of all, we will activate the ability to clear and remove negative energies on a deeper level. Last but not least, we will assist with some planetary work and together clear some dark energies on this planet.

On the workshop you will learn how to:

  • Ground deeper
  • Clear anxiety
  • Clear your chakras
  • Clear old energies from wounds
  • Clear negative cords
  • Clear negative programs & attachments
  • Clear negative energies and implants
  • Clear psychic attacks
  • Clear curses and black magic
  • Clear negative AI inserts
  • Clear negative portals and inorganic timeliness
  • And much more…

I dare to say that this is by far one of the most important “work”, I have ever done so far. I am very, very excited and honored to hold space for all of you feeling called to this work!

I love to be in full co-creation with you all to raise the frequencies of this planet.

Much love,

About Your Teacher

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer, and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.

Webinar Replay

Get the webinar replay plus the course by paying with one of the forms below. The course will be sent to you within 24-48 hours by someone from our team via email. If you don’t receive it by then, kindly email connect@growbymia.com with your payment confirmation so we can check if your payment successfully came through.

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