Ascension Focus & Stability Activation

LIVE online webinar with Mia Kafkios

We are in a fast-track ascension process that can make us feel very overwhelmed and unbalanced many times.

We are receiving many activations, seeing truths beyond the illusion and we are clearing massive amounts of negative and old energies from this lifetime and past lifetimes.

We are clearing contacts, curses, ancestral traumas, programs, and deep-rooted limiting beliefs. We feel tired and unfocused many times in this space I’m time on our ascension.

My family of light and guides has given me clear information about how important this healing activation will be for us to find a space of balance, focus, and stability in our field. These energies of deep trust, wisdom, balance, and flow will be activated from your blueprint into your cellular memories and all the way out to your energy bodies and your physical reality. Making you feel balanced in your inner AND outer world.

In this healing activation, we will

  • Clear remaining negative energy that numbs your nervous system and blocks you from moving forward
  • Cut the negative cords that you are now ready to cut fully and completely
  • Prepare your light body och to enter this new focused and balanced space without looping back into old distractions
  • Activate ground zero within you so it can be assimilated into your physical reality. Feeling focused, grounded, and stabilized to move forward in balance

This activation is a one-hour transmission of the healing and activation your higher self is calling for in that exact given moment. The energy of this work will profoundly find its way into your energy field in divine perfection and highest capacity.

If you miss the live, you will receive the recording, and will assist you as much as the live. I really hope to have your presence in this powerful space so we can co-create and raise the frequencies even higher. What you receive in this session, you will give back to the people around you just thru your upgraded presence.

I am really excited about this work!

Much love dear soul tribe,
Mia ❤️

Buy the Replay 

Buy the replay on Vimeo.

Mia Kafkios

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer, and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.