Powerful LIVE activation & manifestation

Activation & Manifestation after the Lions Gate

How to Close the Lions Gate

There will be A LOT to integrate into MANIFESTATION after this Lions Gate!

The period between the 27th of July – 11th of August opens a huge portal of Light and brings in a lot of activations, guidance, new energies, and codes. I have been deeply called by my family of light, to assist with a webinar/session, closing, integrating and anchoring everything that came through for us during the Lions Gate.

Allowing all the work to be deeply manifested & integrated into our physical reality!

Join me me for this powerful session with all the highest light beings in assistance. Let’s come together in the highest co-creation for the most powerful manifestation.

During the event you will receive:

  • An understanding of the gifts & energies that were brought in for us in the hole Lions Gate period
  • A clarity of what your family of light, have been trying to communicate with you
  • An activation of your 12 chakras to assist you in manifesting your next steps on your path
  • An upgrade of your Light Body and energy field, getting you ready for your highest timeline.⠀⠀

I hope I see you there, beautiful soul tribe!

If you miss the live event you will get the recording the day after so you can receive the activation as powerful as if you where live.

If any questions around the recording, please check the Q&A link below. If you’re still in need of further assistance please mail us at connect@growbymia.com.

Much love dear soul family,

Didn’t get a ticket?

Buy the replay here.

Mia Kafkios

Mia Kafkios is an Energy Therapist, Healer, and Trance Channel with 27 years of experience. She has been working with many souls to help them break the wheel and make a shift in their lives.

Frequently Asked Questions

Webinar Bookings

When you book on our website we send an email with your ticket automatically. Please check all the folders in your e-mail. Sometimes our emails end up in the Spam or Promotions folder. If you still can’t find the mail with the ticket, please contact us at connect@growbymia.com

Please make sure that you are entering the right data and kindly try one more time. 

Yes, you can get a ticket for our webinars on Facebook and checkout using PayPal there. Simply follow the link from the webinar page, which will take you to our Facebook event, and follow the steps there.

When you purchase your ticket on Facebook, the link will become visible to you on the event page on Facebook. You will NOT receive an e-mail with the link automatically from our system. You need to go to the About section of the event on Facebook and get the link from there.

Webinar Replays

We send the replays within 2 days after the live webinars. Please check all e-mail folders including Spam and Promotions.

You will be provided with a link where you can fill in your information and get the details for the webinar you have purchased. Once you do that, you will receive the replay in your e-mail within 2 days after the live event.

Grow By Mia provides free access to the webinar replay for up to 3 months from when the webinar concluded. With this in mind, we highly recommend downloading the replay video on your preferred device for future use.



Are you longing to step into your life’s mission? Join this free workshop and tune into it!

There is so much more to life when we recognize our true calling! Join me in an hour of deep guided meditation and contemplation over what is blocking us from finding our mission and stepping into it fully.

There will be NO sharing or interactions with others. You will be safe in your own space, just receiving the workshop.

Let’s do this together, beautiful souls!

Much love,